We recommend Emmerson Eggerichs’ book and DVD series entitled Love and Respect which expounds on Ephesians 5:33. Eggerich points out that wives may say or do things which they do not mean to be [...]
In the March 20 post, I said that wives need to trust their husbands. Do husbands need to trust their wives as well? Let me continue the same story of what I learned at the Nevada Star Ball. As [...]
In the summer of 2007 I attended the Nevada Star Ball to watch some of our dance buddies compete. Many of the competitors attended Brigham Young University. They were 20 years old and high energy [...]
It’s been over five years since Bob and I started taking ballroom dance lessons. I remember the early days when we would rotate around the room apologizing to each partner: “I’m sorry. I have no [...]
I love the old folk tale, “The Eight-Cow Bride.” It’s the story of Johnny Lingo, a shrewd native businessman who was known for always getting the best deal. One day a visitor arrived on the [...]
About two years ago, Bob and I stood in the fish bowl room at D and D Dance Studio waiting to take a private lesson from our teacher, Steve. Now, you have to understand that Bob and I are not [...]
You take a shy, hesitant boy who had most of life’s decisions made for him. He’s not happy about this, but that’s how life was. As an adult, he is hesitant when making decisions. Who do you [...]
Have you ever been overweight and lost a substantial number of pounds? Do you remember how you felt? In addition to the euphoria, I’m guessing there was a sense of freedom. You could move [...]
I was chatting with an older sister in the Lord yesterday. “How do you present your husband with information to which he is likely to be non-receptive?” The essence of her response was, “Get [...]
Bob and I danced in a dance showcase on Sunday. It was an outrageous thing to do because we are NOT accomplished dancers. We wanted to communicate the type of relationship God wants us to have [...]