Is your marriage like a cruise ship? Is it a big feeding frenzy with you rushing from one activity to the next? Or are you slowing down—relaxing—and enjoying your mate?
Do you think Valentine’s Day is just a creation by Hallmark Cards and the florists to make money or a chance for you to give grace to your spouse? Read on.
If God is at the center of your marriage and you're focused on how to make it even better, you're likely to have a happier and more successful marriage.
Stubborn spouse? Instead of nagging, getting angry, withdrawing, or launching a passive-aggressive attack, try praying. Pray together for a common solution.
When a wife is trying to follow, a good husband is more likely to give a confident lead. Marriage works best when it's more beautiful waltz than tug-of-war.
Are you involved in a marriage class or group? What might God do for your marriage and your children if you dedicated yourself to pursuing Him in this area?
Are you showing contempt in your marriage by communicating disrespect to your spouse in words, actions, or thoughts? How can we show tenderness instead?