Recently, Bob and I had a chance to present “Embrace Your Differences” at a Rotary luncheon. Of course, we had to shorten it significantly. I had several other deadlines I was working on, plus I [...]
What is it that irks you in your marriage? Will it matter in 10 years? Here’s the question that will give you perspective when handling the daily irritations in your marriage.
Forgiveness can be like peeling an onion. You forgive someone for an offense, but time passes and then there’s another layer that needs to be forgiven too.
Do you think the number of divorces would drop if couples went out of their way to be good to each other? Perhaps affection and love would take root again.
Another lie Bob believed about his wife: she couldn't stay on topic in a conversation! But thinking differently doesn't make either of them right or wrong.
For many years, there were lies Bob believed about Roxann that caused him to put up protective walls around himself and put distance in their marriage.
In Part 1 of our series on lies I believed about my husband, I discuss why I thought Bob didn’t want to listen to me and what we've done to debunk that lie.