In Featured, The Marriage Dance Book, The Marriage Dance Seminar, Time to Make Your Marriage Dance

Bob and I always enjoy hiking in the national parks. You set out on a five-mile hike. Everything seems to be going well, but about a mile up the trail, the road narrows and gets steeper. This is a little more than you bargained for. You begin questioning whether you’ll ever make it to that waterfall everyone talked about.

When you’re ready to give up, you meet someone coming towards you on the trail.“How much more of this?” you ask. They’ve already been to the viewpoint so they have some useful information for you. “This is the hard part,” they reply. “It’s a loop. You can go either left or right, but left is easier.” Or, they tell you to get a hand hold here or place your foot there.

You continue on. The scenery along the way is spectacular – a mountain lake, a Ponderosa forest, the mountain peaks. But when will you ever reach the waterfall? It’s mile four and you are weary. Again, you meet hikers coming back from the end of the trail and you ask each one, “How much farther?”

“Not much farther. Hang in there.”

“Almost there. You can do it.”

“Just around the bend – and man is it worth it!”

Attending a marriage seminar is a lot like hiking in the national parks. You begin your marriage with great energy and anticipation. But along the way, the inevitable rocky places and slippery slopes present themselves. You want to enjoy the wonderful experiences others rave about, but you could use a little friendly advice as well as some encouragement.

Sometimes friends ask why we get so excited about the national parks. My answer: “You’ve never experienced them have you?”

It would be less than honest to imply that Bob and I never encounter a craggy slope. However, we have had some beautiful experiences along the road– the ability to communicate on an emotionally more intimate level, helping each other get past sins and wounds that block relationships, and the joy of being on the same team. We would love to give you some friendly marriage advice as well as some encouragement. Or, maybe we could share some wonderful experiences.

Hiking in a national park is a lot like attending The Marriage Dance seminar. We invite you to

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