In Connecting with Your Partner, Featured, The Marriage Dance Seminar, Time to Make Your Marriage Dance

I started attending church in fourth grade because of a church a few miles away that made sure I had a ride every Sunday. My parents didn’t attend. Their religion was an eclectic mix of personal fancy, Hollywood hype, and family traditions. And, without God’s guidelines as a model, my home was often a chaotic, self-centered contest of wills with no way of solving inter-personal problems. My parents’ marriage reflected that. This was my normal—until I went to Sunday School and met Chuckie.

Chuckie was in my class. He often chatted happily about his family—what they did together, how they laughed together, and even how they worked through problems together. The thing that grabbed me was that he really seemed to like his family. He even liked his older brother!

I began watching them to see if it were true. I stood at a distance. They never knew I was observing and evaluating. But I saw that God’s design for marriage was that partners work together and each person gives rather than grabs and there is a way to resolve problems. And, in my little nine-year-old heart I said, “That is what I want.”

love-538433_1280I am happy to report that God gave me the desire of my heart. If your desire is to have a strong marriage, it may not surprise you that God wants to give it to you too. He’s given us the principles but it will take work on your part. It also helps to have some human guidance as you work through implementing the principles. The goal of The Marriage Dance is to help you develop a marriage that is so exemplary that others look at it and say, “That’s what I want!”

If you live near Riverside, California, you are invited to join us at Magnolia Church, Wednesday nights, January 6 through March 30, 6:30-8 pm. You can expect teaching, testimonials, tender care from a mentor couple—and homework. Childcare is provided. There is no charge for the workshop. You must register no later than January 4 by emailing us at If you are not in the Riverside area, we would love to speak at your church.

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