Amidst all the talk of why 50 Shades of Grey is off base, I read a beautiful blog post written by Ann Voskamp. She says, “ . . . our mattress sags in the middle. . . the springs in the centre [...]
Bob and I went to the AMC-Ontario Mills on Valentine’s Day. There was a line of people waiting to get into the theater. Once inside, there was another very long line along one wall. Men and [...]
I just watched the Super Bowl—and the commercial for 50 Shades of Grey. I was dismayed. What a rip-off of the beautiful, mutually-fulfilling relationship God intends. When the end of the ad [...]
“What do you want to do on vacation?” I had told my husband I had never seen the South and would love to go there on a car trip with him. Now he was getting the details, formulating a plan. We [...]
I’m cheap. I don’t buy something until I am ready to use it. Bob is not a spendthrift, but he will buy something – a product or a service – in order to motivate him to use it and get a job done. [...]
Emmerson Eggerichs said something that really hit me. When you feel resistance from your husband, ask him if something you said or did came across as disrespectful (vice versa for men—ask wives [...]
When Bob and I dance, our goal is always to communicate that God designed two very different people to move together as one. We’re not going to win any prizes. We’re not very showy. But if we can [...]
Let me take you to Laborcita. It’s a neighborhood near Leon in the middle of Mexico. Almost all of the residents are very poor. Dirt roads are deeply rutted. Houses are made of concrete blocks [...]