A great way to get everyone to tense up is to use the word “tension” in the context of marriage. An example would be, “There is some tension in their relationship.” We don’t usually consider [...]
I remember what it was like to dance with Bob when we were newbies. The goal at that point was to get the step right without tripping or hurting each other. The victory slogan was, “Both [...]
Last night Bob fell asleep half-way through our date. That always makes me feel lonely, but I know how tired he is by Friday night. I decided to watch a movie by myself. This morning, when we [...]
This message is especially for men who want to touch their wife’s heart. One morning I walked into the living room—Bob’s early-morning thinking and praying place. He looked at me and asked, “How [...]
To build strong relationships, get rid of self-focus. Instead, focus on the needs of the other person. Paul says: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value [...]
Last summer Bob went on a mission trip with some men from our church down to Leon, Mexico. In true Bob fashion, he decided to learn Spanish before he went. He only had four months, so he [...]
I had the pleasure of speaking to a ladies’ group on “Following with Strength.” I acknowledged that many women are frustrated with their husbands because they refuse to lead. But when their [...]
There has been a horrible and widespread misunderstanding in the Christian community as to what it means to follow (or submit). The misunderstanding seems to be that following is a position of [...]
People come to us and say, “My spouse and I are so different that this marriage is never going to work.” We invite you to re-think that line of reasoning. While we would agree that it is [...]
About 10 years ago, Bob and I first learned how to speak to each other’s heart—to take time to listen to the underlying emotions, to learn about the life events that first caused those emotions, [...]