Hypocrisy can destroy your marriage when you pretend to be someone you’re not or don't allow your spouse to really know you. Watch our video for solutions.
Are you focusing on temporal values or putting priority on things that don't last? This sin most definitely has the potential to destroy your marriage.
Does pride cause a roadblock in your relationship? You bet it does! So what's the solution? Bob and Roxann share some ideas in this week's video (2:47min).
We all genuinely desire to understand and be understood by our mate, but miscommunication often gets in the way. Try these 3 tips to better communication!
Wives, if you want your husband to lead well, are you willing to follow even if he makes a mistake? Roxann discusses following with strength in today's video.
Do you think Valentine’s Day is just a creation by Hallmark Cards and the florists to make money or a chance for you to give grace to your spouse? Read on.